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Bitcoin Sank To The Lowest in About 18 Months

The story started when the TerraUSD collapse started on May 7, falling from $1 to $0.007 today. However, the big question is where cryptocurrencies are going?

To answer this vague question, it is necessary to read the crypto leader, the Bitcoin. Next are the major fundamental and technical reading with detailed readings and expectations.

The Review:

Bitcoin sank to the lowest in about 18 months after the freezing of withdrawals by the Celsius lending platform, adding to the concern that systemic risk in the crypto ecosystem will accelerate the digital-asset market meltdown.

The collapse of the Terra/Luna ecosystem last month, and lender Celsius pausing withdrawals Monday, have further wrinkled certainty in this space. However, traders expect Celsius to face additional risks if the broader market sell-off intensifies. Also, Binance, the largest crypto trading platform, temporarily suspended withdrawals of the Bitcoin network because of a transaction processing issue, but withdrawals were later resumed.

Additionally, the world’s largest digital token tumbled 17%, reaching $20,000 and recording its lowest price since December 2020. Meanwhile, other cryptocurrencies also declined as a broader sell-off continued. Moreover, the MVIS CryptoCompare Digital Assets 100 Index, which measures top 100 tokens, dropped as much as 17%. And the total market value, which topped $3 trillion in November, dropped below $1 trillion in New York early this week.

Technically: Daily Chart (Medium term)

The leading cryptocurrency fell below its 18 months low, reaching a critical range between $20,000 and $16,000 (the blue range), which is supposed to absorb the momentum and slow down the fall. However, in the most probable scenario, the support range will not be enough to stop the fall, especially if the price falls below $18,400.

The volume of trading and sell-off is pressuring the Bitcoin towards the range between 12,500 and 10,000 (the red range). Furthermore, the 55 days moving average retains its negative signals and indicates resistance at $29,300. However, the Bollinger Bands signal a possibility of a corrective bounce from between $19,000 and $21,000. Meanwhile, RSI show overselling of BTCUSD and reads below 20 and BTCUSD below $20,000 while the MACD signals further decline and are heading towards $18,500 in the short term.

To conclude, the daily chart readings indicate a further decline, confirmed by most of the major technical indicators. Additionally, the trading volume and price action also pressure the prices below $18,500 in the short and medium terms.

Technically: Weekly Chart (Long term)

On the weekly chart, the Bitcoin chart does not show signs of recovery or correction. The weekly chat forming head and shoulders with a neck at $35,000, which was broken on May 8. Additionally, the long-term reading targets the bottom between $10,000 and $12,000 with a possible slowdown near $18,500 before the continuation.

Furthermore, Fibonacci retracement confirms the reading of the chart with the bottom below $10,000. On the other hand, technical indicators signal a continuation of the decline but no clear signal where the target is.


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2024年4月13日,在这个春意盎然的时节里,广东广州成为了外汇交易领域一次重要的共聚之地。由STARTRADER星迈赞助,汇友驿站主办的交易沙龙活动“交流·创享·赋能”圆满落幕,吸引了来自全国各地的外汇交易爱好者、专业人士以及行业领导者的关注。 此次活动的愿景是“聚交易匠人,铸品质汇圈”,旨在通过高质量的技术信息交流平台,聚焦交易技术,分享交易理念,碰撞交易系统,从而帮助交易爱好者探寻更实用的交易知识。活动于13:00准时开始,伴随着活动签到的热络氛围,主持人对本次活动的赞助方和主办方以及分享嘉宾进行了介绍。 随后,STARTRADER星迈CEO Peter Karsten先生作为赞助商代表上台演讲,他强调了外汇交易行业在全球经济中的重要作用,并展望了行业的未来发展方向。“在这个不断变化的世界里,外汇市场有着无限的可能。STARTRADER星迈作为行业的一员,需要不断创新,拥抱变化,才能领航未来。” Peter Karsten先生进一步阐释了创新在外汇交易领域的重要性,指出STARTRADER星迈正是依托其创新技术和策略,实现了对市场的深刻理解和有效操作。他提到了一些正在研发中的新技术,如人工智能和机器学习在交易策略中的应用,以及区块链技术在提高交易透明度和安全性方面的潜力。Peter Karsten先生表示,通过这些创新技术的应用,STARTRADER星迈致力于为客户提供更加高效、安全的交易环境,并优化投资组合管理,从而帮助他们在竞争激烈的市场中获得优势。 Peter Karsten先生的发言穿透了会场的每一个角落,激发了在场每位听众的热情与憧憬。在他的激励下,会场内充满了积极向上的气氛,参会者纷纷表示,将携手共进,为外汇交易领域的繁荣发展贡献自己的力量。 紧接着,此次活动的主办方汇友驿站对STARTRADER星迈在行业中所做的贡献给予了高度评价:“我们很荣幸能够支持这样一次聚焦于外汇交易创新和发展的活动,STARTRADER星迈的领导力和对未来的洞察力,正是我们所看重和愿意支持的。”并强调了合作、创新和共赢的重要性,表示希望通过此类活动促进行业内的交流与合作,共同探索外汇交易的新趋势、新策略和新技术。 在随后的主题分享环节中,STARTRADER星迈专业团队就《交易策略剖析》和《全球资产配置与衍生品交易》两个议题进行了深入的分享。通过对程序化交易的实践经验分享,以及对全球资产配置趋势的洞察,STARTRADER星迈不仅奉上了实用的交易策略,也为参与者提供了全球视角下的资产管理新思路。 本次沙龙还设置了圆桌会议和互动交流环节,更是为参与者提供了一个宝贵的交流平台。STARTRADER星迈的代表与来自不同背景的交易专家和爱好者进行了面对面的深入讨论,就行业热点问题进行了交流,共同探讨了交易领域的未来发展方向。 此次交易沙龙不仅是供知识分享的平台,更是行业内人士深入交流、共同进步的重要桥梁。STARTRADER星迈通过此次活动再次证明了自身作为金融领域领先者的地位,展现了对于推动行业发展的强烈责任感和使命感。STARTRADER星迈期待未来能有更多此类机会,与业内同仁一起,为外汇交易领域的创新与发展贡献力量!

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